An Introduction to AED

When it comes to the top causes of deaths in the US, very few medical conditions can top heart diseases. Based on statistics, in the US alone, the said condition has been named as the primary cause for the death of about one American per 33 seconds.

One particular heart disease that has been silently targeting a number of Americans is the Sudden Cardiac Arrest, or SCA. Also known as the circulatory arrest, SCA is very far from a heart attack to which it is constantly misconstrued. While heart attack takes place when a blockage is keeping the blood from reaching the heart, in SCA, a problem in the natural beating pattern of the heart takes place causing it to stop beating. In most cases, a heart attack produces a number of symptoms such as numbing of the extremities, tingling sensation, and difficulty breathing. This is something that the SCA does not provide.

In most cases, an SCA happens outside of a medical institution. That being the case, it is no surprise that more and more establishments are making sure that they have at least one unit of AED on hand in order to help those in need of resuscitation. It also helps that more and more US states are making it mandatory for these establishments to have the right number of AED units on hand.

An AED, or Automated External Defibrillator, is a portable electronic device that can be used by literally anyone in order to help revive a person suffering from SCA. Each of the unit comes with two pads that are to be attached to the chest of the victim. These pads are attached by a wire to the main electronic computer. The latter is responsible for assessing the condition of the victim as well as determining whether the situation still calls for the administration of electrical jolts or not. The device itself can also help first-time responders to administer CPR even if they have no prior training on how to do such. This is because most models of AED have both audio as well as visual prompt that can help the responder figure out what to do next.

So why do people consider access to AED as well as administration of electrical shock to victims of SCA important?

In the chain of survival, early fibrillation is critical to ensuring a person’s chances of being able to make it through. Keep in mind that most SCA is caused by ventricular fibrillation. If early administration of electrical jolts that would help normalize the beating patter of the heart is done, the patient would have better chances of being able to make it through. Of course, it would also help if CPR as well as immediate activation of emergency response is done.

If you are planning to come up with your own AED program, you might do well getting the services of Citywide CPR. Citywide CPR also provides CPR training and certification programs.

Performing CPR: Straight from AHA

AHA, or the American Heart Association, is the body responsible for issuing guidelines on how to provide basic and advanced life support. They are also the primary body responsible for ensuring that CPR is done properly. In support of this, the AHA has been issuing one of the most widely accepted CPR certification as well as first aid and basic life support certification.

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation has come a long way when it comes to saving a person’s life. In the past, much emphasis has been given on ensuring that CPR is performed following a specific process – A-B-C. This means that the responder or first aider would have to check the airway first, administer artificial breathing, and then proceed to administering chest compression. Although this process has been credited with saving a number of lives, AHA, based on the results of researches done by other medical professionals, has promulgated a new way of dealing with victims of SCA, or Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Recently, AHA has issued a different set of guidelines that is believed to increase the chances of a person surviving SCA. This method placed more emphasis on the administration of chest compression. This means that, what used to be an A-B-C model is now a C-A-B model.

Aside from this, AHA has also stated that those who do not have proper training in CPR can still help save lives by administering a hands-only, or compression-only, CPR. In this method, the responder only needs to make sure that he or she is able to administer uninterrupted chest compressions of about 100 compressions in a minute. Each of the compression should still be two inches deep. The responder may stop if the paramedics has arrived or if there is someone else in the crowd who can take his or her place in administering the CPR. In this method, there is no more need to administer rescue breathing. That being the case, everyone is now encouraged to jump in and start CPR should they see someone become unconscious and unresponsive. The same instruction can also be followed by those who have had a CPR training in the past but have grown rusty in the said life-saving skill. For those who have had rigorous training in CPR, AHA recommends performing 30 chest compressions before checking the airway and administering rescue breathings. Both the CAB CPR as well as the COCPR can be administered in adults and children. For infants especially newborns, however, a different set of techniques should be used by the first aider or responder.

Not many people may be aware of it but, by administering CPR, tissue necrosis is actually prevented. How so? By simulating blood circulation, the needed oxygen and nutrients in the blood are able to reach the intended major organs in the body.

Not many people may pay particular attention to it but knowing how to do CPR properly can oftentimes spell the difference between hero and zero. That being the case, it is only right that you undergo the correct CPR training and certification program. One dependable provider of such is Citywide CPR.

Dealing with Cardiac Arrests and Defibrillators

If you would take time to look at the numbers, you would realize that almost half a million Americans succumb to Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Of these figures, about 50,000 is considered to be preventable had there been an AED unit in place.

As the name implies, Sudden Cardiac Arrest or SCA takes place when, for no immediate and apparent reason, the heart suddenly stops beating. Because of this, the supply of blood to the brain as well as a number of major organs stop. This, in turn, can lead to tissue necrosis, or tissue death. Sudden Cardiac Arrest is typically  caused by arrhythmia. What this means is that something goes wrong that causes the normal beating pattern of the heart to go haywire and stop. Although it SCA is generally used by common people to refer to heart attack, and vice versa, the two are actually not the same.

Heart attack oftentimes take place when there is a blockage occurring along the arteries that is keeping the blood rich in oxygen from reaching the heart as well as other major organs. In majority of cases, patients suffering from a heart attack typically experience a number of telltale signs beforehand. This could include a tingling sensation on the hands and the arms, difficulty breathing, dizziness, and nausea, among others. This is something that SCA does not have making it a graver threat to a person.

Of the two cases, AEDs tend to be more useful in cases of SCA. This is because, with the help of the AED, electrical pulses can be sent to the heart in order to help it get back to its normal beating pattern. The electrical pulses actually causes the heart to stop from shivering allowing it enough time to be able to get back to its natural rhythm. What an AED unit does is (1) provide visual as well as audio cues on how to proceed with the CPR, (2) determine whether there is a need for the administration of electrical jolts, and (3) make it possible for just about anyone to perform CPR and help revive a victim.

In typical cases, an AED comes with two pads with electrodes which the user would have to attach to the victim’s chest using adhesives. These paddles are connected to a mini-computer that is responsible for checking what the condition of the patient is as well as if there is a need for administration of electrical jolts.

With more and more states pushing for the implementation of a legislative that make it mandatory for commercial buildings to have a certain number of AED units, the American Heart Foundation are aiming to be able to save more lives than before. Of course, it would also greatly help of institutions really took the time to ensure that there are people within their organization who have been trained to administer CPR.

To know more about how to properly implement an AED program, visit Citywide CPR. They also offer CPR training and certification programs.

Upping the Survival Rate by 50%

For the past two years, people have been scrambling about and one-upping each other when it comes to finding proof that the whole slew of CPR procedure is better than the Compression-Only CPR (COCPR). Although both are equally dependable ways of making sure that the patient makes it at least until the paramedics arrive, a number of studies seem to indicate that the formal CPR provides a more long-term solution compared to COCPR. Recently, however, it seems there is still a better method than the two.

Researchers from the University of Minnesota Medical School have come up with two devices that is able to increase the likelihood of someone surviving a cardiac arrest and retaining normal brain function by as much as 50%. The devices were a result of a 5-year study conducted by the said researchers. By using the two devices at the same time, researchers have found out that such major organs as  the heart and the brain are able to get thrice the amount of blood supply should the responder be using traditional or standard CPR procedure. Of course, this means that tissue necrosis is averted. The researchers assert that, with the standard, manual CPR, the victim is only able to receive about 25% of the required blood supply in order to keep brain and heart functions intact. Although this is significant, it is not efficient in ensuring the health of the brain as well as other major organs of the victim on a long-term basis.

The first device in the duo is named ResQPump and is responsible for lifting the chest of the victim after each compression in order to simulate blood flow. It comes with a suction cup that attached to the patient’s chest as well as a handle that would help the responder lift the victim’s chest. The second device, on the other hand, is called the ResQPOD. This device is responsible for making sure that air does not go rushing into the victim’s lungs as this could cause suffocation. The ResQPOD comes with a face mask as well as a breathing tube. By using both devices, responders would be able to easily initiate artificial circulation of the blood thus preserving brain functions as well as those functions of a number of major organs. What’s more, with the devices in place, responders can conserve their energy and continue administering CPR via the device until paramedics arrive or the patient has been revived. This can be seen as a great step in terms of use of existing technology. Both of the devices have been manufactured by the Advanced Circulatory Systems whose main headquarters is based in Minnesota.

The downside of this situation, however, is that the devices have not yet been approved for use by the American Heart Association, or AHA.

Get to know more about CPR as well as other life-saving techniques by attending the CPR training and certification program provided by Citywide CPR.

The History of CPR

In the past, people who accidentally drown or have suffered cardiac arrest have very little to no chance of making it out alive. That was until, in 1740, the Paris Academy of Sciences recommended the use of mouth to mouth resuscitation in order to revive victims of drowning. With the introduction of CPR, drowning victims were able to up their chances of making it through.

Of course, certain cases do not positively respond to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. It was this dilemma that has pushed one medical professional by the name of John Hill to document in 1868 a new procedure that allowed victims of chloroform inhalation to be revived without the use of mouth to mouth resuscitation. The said procedure called for the compression of the front part of the chest for 15 seconds thrice. All of the recorded cases seems to have been successful although a clean bill of health was something that took time to be issued.

It was, however, in 1954 that the first successful demonstration of how effective expired air is when it comes to maintaining oxygen in the victim’s body. This demonstration was conducted by James Elam, a US doctor and a respiratory researcher. Together with Dr. Peter Safar, the duo went beyond a successful demonstration by offering a definite proof that their procedure was better than all the past procedures put forward. Elam is also best known for the Roswell Park ventilator which has been proven to be quite effective in absorbing carbon dioxide during surgery.

Although Dr. Peter Safar is typically a name that is just associated with Elam, he actually also has his own worthy contribution as it was he who discovered the efficacy of titling the head  back and opening the mouth in order to be able to make the most of a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. It was he who is credited with coming up with the famous Resusci Anne mannequin by Laerdral which allowed more and more people to be familiar with how CPR should be administered. It was also Safar who came up with the idea of ABC – checking for airway, restoring breathing, and application of chest compression to restore circulation.

After so many years, however, the American Heart Association (AHA) has issued a new guideline that called for a change in how the whole CPR process is done. If, in the past, the ABC model has been widely lauded as the proper way to do CPR, today, more and more medical professionals are seeing the merits of starting the process with chest compression. This change in how CPR is done is brought primarily by the results of recent studies that point to the need of restoring circulation as soon as possible in order to prevent tissue necrosis, or tissue death. One has to keep in mind, however, that the CAB model,including hands-only compression which is currently gaining ground among those who were not trained in proper CPR, is not something that can be used for children and infant as well as for pregnant women.

Citywide CPR provides CPR training and certification that can help you save a life. Aside from this, Citywide CPR is also a good recourse if you need help when it comes to AED program management.

Revisiting What CPR is About

Recent studies have shown that, in cases of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, or SCA, only 8% of the victims are able to reach the hospital. The same studies, however, reveal that, if bystanders involved had knowledge of how CPR is administered, these figures could be greatly improved.

CPR, also known as Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, is a life-saving procedure that is typically administered to unconscious victims who are suspected to have suffered from cardiac arrest. The aim of administering CPR is to ensure that brain function is kept intact until medical facilities are able to restore normal heart beat, blood flow, and respiration.

In the past, CPR has always been about checking the airway for obstruction and administering artificial respiration before doing chest compressions. Because of the complexity of the procedure, and the possibility of injuring the victim, most bystanders who witness such medical emergency rarely jump in to help. Fortunately, the recent changes introduced last 2010 by the American Heart Association (AHA) has made exerting efforts in such situations now much easier.

With the release of the 2010 guidelines, responders now focus more on administering chest compression. One of the changes made by the said guidelines is re-arranging the order of how CPR is done. If CPR in the old days follow the A-B-C method, the CPR of today now follows a C-A-B model. This means a responder would first have to administer chest compression before checking for airway obstruction and then administering resuscitation.

The recent changes in the guidelines has also led to more and more people becoming engaged in helping unconscious victims. For one, they need not worry more about how to go about the whole CPR process. This is because bystanders simply need to make sure that they administer chest compressions until the paramedics arrive. What’s more, they only need to make sure that each of the compression is at least 5 centimeters in depth and would number to about a hundred in 60 seconds. The best way to do this would be to time the compression to the beat of Stayin’ Alive. Most medical professionals recommend bystanders to keep on administering chest compression until (1) they are tired and would need someone to replace them, and (2) the paramedics have arrived.

One has to keep in mind, however, that chest compressions alone very rarely revives a patient. In most cases, there is usually a need to administer electrical shock in order to help the heart get restored to its natural beating pattern. That being the case, it would definitely help if there is an AED unit around to help jump start the heart. Of course, once the patient is revived, there would still be a need for him or her to visit a medical facility in order to assess if there are long-term damage to his or her neurological system because of the cardiac arrest.

Citywide CPR provides CPR training and certification that can help you save a life. Aside from this, Citywide CPR is also a good recourse if you need help when it comes to AED program management.

What Is Continuous Chest Compression?

For some time, bystanders witnessing medical emergencies have always been afraid to jump in and help revive a person who has suddenly become unconscious. One of the reasons why they seem to shy away from what could have been a life-changing moment is the fear that they might do more harm than good. With the recent changes introduced by the American Heart Association, however, when it comes to administering CPR, observers have noted an increase in a person’s willingness to help an unconscious victim.

The recent release of the new guidelines last 2010 when it comes to CPR has led to a number of new ways of being able to to administer the said life-saving procedure. If in the past a responder would have to start first by checking the airway and then administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation before doing chest compressions, the recent guidelines has now placed more emphasis on chest compression. This means that a responder would first have to ensure that chest compression has been administered before checking the airway as well as giving artificial respiration. In cases where there is no one around who knows how to administer CPR, bystanders can do hands-only, also known as compression-only or continuous chest, CPR. In this type of CPR, the responder would only have to make sure that he or she administers chest compression for as long as possible.

So what is the rationale behind continuous chest compression?

AHA promulgated the change in how CPR is done due to the fact that, by placing more emphasis on chest compression, blood circulation does not stop. You have to keep in mind that it is the blood that bring the needed oxygen and nutrients to the various tissues and cells in the body. With the blood continuously circulating, albeit artificially, tissues of major organs are able to get the sustenance that they need. This, in turn, prevents tissue necrosis, a grave medical condition that can cause organ failure and, consequently, death.

Doing chest compression is relatively easy. The first thing that you have to do is find the center of the chest. This can be done by finding where the sternum ends. About two inches above the end of the sternum is where you should place the heel of your palm and start doing the compression. Each compression should be at least 2 inches deep. In a minute, you have to make sure that you are able to do about 100 compressions. In order to keep the beat consistent, most medical professionals recommend compressing to the beat of such songs as “Stayin’ Alive”.

However, it is still best to remember that chest compressions alone are rarely enough to revive an unconscious victim. In most cases, defibrillation is required in order to restore the heart’s natural beating pattern. Once the patient has been revived, it is also best to still have him or her be checked by a medical professional to assess if the patient is truly okay.

Prepare yourself by undergoing the CPR Certification and training program being provided by Citywide CPR.

The Basics of CPR

Ask anyone about the best way to save an unconscious person’s life and they would probably tell you that you would need to administer CPR. It is the basic belief that CPR is the be-all, end-all when it comes to saving  a life that has led to this procedure to be touted as the most important procedure that a responder should know of. In truth, however, many people actually do not have an idea when it comes to making the most of the CPR, much less what CPR is really all about.

CPR, or Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, is often used in cases involving drowning, heart attack and electrocution. Not too long ago, the process of administering CPR involved checking the airway, administering artificial respiration, and doing chest compressions in order get the blood circulating. Today, however, CPR involves, first and foremost, the administration of chest compression before a responder is required to check the airway as well as administer artificial respiration. This is different from how it is done in the past where the Airway has to be checked first before artificial breathing and chest compression are administered. This came about after the American Heart Association (AHA) released in 2010 a new set of guidelines that put more emphasis on the administration of chest compression. With the introduction of these guidelines, bystanders are now encouraged to do their best even if they lack the needed CPR training. The reason behind the changes introduced by the AHA is based on the results of recent studies that showed a marked increase in survival rate if the victim is immediately given CPR. In essence, by administering chest compression as soon as the patient becomes unconscious causes the blood circulation to continue, albeit in an artificial manner, allowing the oxygen in the blood cells to reach major cells and tissues. This, in turn, ensures that major organs in the patient’s body do not suffer from tissue necrosis, or tissue death. One has to understand that tissue necrosis can take place when the cells are unable to get the nutrients they need via the blood cells.

The results of the said study has since led to two types of CPR – the traditional CPR, and the Compression-Only CPR (COCPR). While both are credited with increasing the chances of survival, one still has to take note of the fact that the latter procedure is applicable only to adult patients. If the situation involves children or infant, the traditional method of administering CPR is recommended. Traditional CPR is also recommended when the responder is not a first-hand witness of the victim’s situation. One has to keep in mind that compression0only CPRs tend to work better when the situation involves ventricular fibrillation. Unconsciousness due to other reasons would fare better when dealt with using the traditional approach to CPR.

If you would like to be ready for any kind of medical emergency, you should first learn how to properly do a CPR. Citywide CPR provides CPR training and certification that can help you save lives some day.

Making The Most of An AED

Ventricular fibrillation as well as pulseless ventricular tachycardia can be life-threatening medical emergencies. Both have been credited with leading to Sudden Cardiac Arrest which currently has affected more than 300,000 American lives. It is because of this that the American Heart Association continually seeks various ways on how to make saving a person’s life much easier for bystanders as well as for experienced first responders. This continuing commitment to saving lives has led to changes in how CPR is conducted as well as to the introduction of the AED.

The Automated External Defibrillator, more commonly known as the AED, is a portable electronic device that is used in the assessment of unconscious victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest as well as in the administration of the needed electric shocks in order to help the patient’s heart regain its natural rhythm. One of the things that a user has to keep in mind when it comes to AED is the fact that not all cases would necessitate the administration of electric shocks. With the help of AED, however, can help take the guess work out. This is because most AED models actually provide the responder with an analysis of the patient’s condition. In most instances, the AED would prompt the responder with an audio as well as a visual message indicating what to do next. Of all the SCA cases in the US, recent studies have noted a 74% increase in the survival rate when an AED was put to use. This is as opposed to the mere 5% chances of survival where an AED did not play any part.

Although the AED is able to increase the survival rate in people suffering from AED, timing could still play a part on this survival rate. Most medical professionals recommend administering the AED within 3 to 5 minutes after the patient has become unconscious. This is something that is also applicable when it comes to the administration of CPR. A minute outside of this time frame considerably reduces the possibility of the person being able to pull through from a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. That being the case, it would be beneficial to administrators of AED programs to have the unit situated in areas that is easily accessible to responders. Program managers should also consider the possibility of having more than one AED unit available.

The use of AED is something that is not only recommended for adults. Recently, the American Heart Association has also deemed the use of the AED as something that is fit for children. This is after studies have shown that, in 90% of the cases, the AED is able to correctly indicate that the patient is in need of defibrillation. The AED became even more promising when the same study was able to reflect a 95% accuracy in AED when it comes to indicating cases where defibrillation is NOT needed.

Since AED is not enough when you come face to face with danger, you also have to know how to administer CPR. One of the ways by which you can master this procedure is to undergo CPR training and certification program with Citywide CPR.

Common Concerns About the AED

The introduction of AED when it comes to saving lives has significantly increased the survival rate when it comes to people suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Unfortunately, there are still a few who are in doubt as to whether getting an AED is worth it.

AED, or Automated External Defibrillator, is a portable device used by responders in order to assess whether a victim is suffering from cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia. Aside from assessing the condition of the victim, an AED is also used in order to administer electrical shocks in order to allow the heart to get back to its natural beating pattern.

Although most states require the presence of at least one unit of AED in most public and private establishments, its use in a household is still optional. That being the case, one can see a significant increase in survival rate for people suffering from cardiac arrest while outside of their own home as well as outside of any medical facility. One of the many reasons why homeowners are still hesitant about getting an AED is the fact that they are not thoroughly familiar about what the AED is all about.

For one, not many people are quite aware of the fact that AEDs can actually be used on infants. This is a recent development that was recently approved by the American Heart Association (AHA). What’s more, recent studies have shown that, when using AEDs, it does not matter whether you use adult pads or pediatric pads in children. What AHA would like to emphasize on is the importance of delivering the needed electrical jolts than letting the heart stop altogether.

Very few people are also aware of the fact that AED units can actually tell you whether there is a need to administer electrical jolts or you can just do chest compressions. As we have mentioned beforehand, AEDs are able to assess the situation of the victim. Based on the information the built-in computer is able to gather, the machine would prompt the responder whether there is a need to administer electrical shock or not. If there is none, the machine would most likely prompt the responder to start administering CPR instead.

With an AED within your home, you are actually able to up the chances of survival of a person suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest by about 74%. That is a significant improvement over the chances of anyone surviving without the help of an AED or with CPR not being administered within three minutes. The latter is at 5%.

In order for the use of an AED to be maximized, most professionals recommend placing it in an accessible place, somewhere where the unit can be accessed and used on the patient within a matter of 3 to 5 minutes. In private and public establishments, it should be situated in high-risk areas. In homes, however, it could be placed in an area with high traffic.

Get to know more about proper CPR by undergoing a CPR training and certification with Citywide CPR. You can also enroll in their AED program management.