Warning Signs of A Heart Attack

When one mentions the word, “heart attack”, everyone seems to think of someone clutching their chest and having difficulty breathing before actually losing consciousness. In reality, however, this is not always the case. In some instances, a heart attack can be so instantaneous that the victim just suddenly falls unconscious, just like in the case of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Now, while those who have medical knowledge would know that a heart attack and SCA, or Sudden Cardiac Arrest, are not one and the same the common person would not readily know the difference. This is one of the reason why many bystanders are quite hesitant to provide assistance to someone who might be suffering from either. That being the case, it is a good idea to make sure that you know the difference between the two.

In a situation involving a heart attack, a patient would usually have a number of signs and symptoms. This would include chest discomfort that lasts for more than a few minutes. In most cases, the discomfort radiates from the center of the chest, and could go away for a few minutes before coming back. Patients who have gone through a heart attack describe the feeling as squeezing sensation as well as a feeling of fullness.

Aside from chest discomfort people who are about to get a heart attack would also feel an uncomfortable sensation in other parts of their body such as the jaw, the arms, the back, or the neck. There are those who report a tingling sensation in the said areas while some might feel a general weaknesses on these body parts. Gripping objects can be a problem for some of the patients about to get a heart attack.

Shortness of breath and lightheadedness are also some of the signs that a person is about to have a heart attack. He or she could also break out into sweat and become nauseous.

So how does a heart attack differ from a cardiac arrest?

In a heart attack, what happens is something blocks the arteries leading to the heart. This interrupts the supply of oxygen to the heart muscles causing the affected portion to suffer from tissue necrosis. On the other hand, cardiac arrest involves the regular beating pattern of the heart. In a cardiac arrest, something interrupts the normal electric impulses that maintains the regular beating pattern of the heart. This “hiccup” in the pattern can actually rob other vital organs of the timely delivery of the oxygen that they need which, if not dealt with properly and in a timely manner, can also lead to tissue necrosis.

Since most people have a hard time distinguishing between a heart attack and a sudden cardiac arrest, the best way to deal with this situation is to treat as if the patient is suffering from a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, which happens to be the more serious of the two. Now, if you would like to make things easier, having an AED unit around would be the best move. An AED, or Automatic External Defibrillator, is a portable device that can guide even the most unaware of how to handle a patient suffering from what could be a heart attack.

Taking Care of Your Heart

In the US, heart diseases and conditions are considered to be one of the top reasons for mortality. While it can prove to be quite a serious condition, it is actually one that can easily be prevented as well as dealt with.

Preventing Heart Problems

In majority of cases, a heart problem coexists with another medical condition. In such cases, the risk for early mortality is increased. That being the case, it can be said that preventing one could lead to the management of the other.

As clichéd as it may sound, the best way, still, to make sure your heart is healthy is to ensure that you eat right and get plenty of rest. Some of the food varieties that you might want to incorporate in your meals would include dark chocolate, berries, and red wine. If you have a high risk for heart condition, you need to make sure that you are aware of your numbers. This means that you have to make sure you regularly monitor your blood pressure as well as your pulse rate. You would also need to keep an eye out for your cholesterol level as well as your blood sugar and inflammatory markers.

Doing regular exercises can also do wonders for your heart. If you are the type who dread hitting the gym, you might want to consider hitting the pool instead. It is also a good idea to make sure that you manage your stressors well. You may not realize it but heavy stress, both physical and mental, can actually take a toll on your heart. This is very much true in the case of the broken heart syndrome.

If you are already in your 40s, you might want to watch out for snoring. In majority of the cases, people who snore in their sleep tend to have circulatory problems. Snoring is also known to lead to sleep apnea. During sleep apnea, the patient momentarily stops breathing. While breathing pattern resumes a few seconds after, the lack of oxygen for a second more can actually have a dire impact on the tissue of major organs. It could also lead to hypertension.

Individuals who are already in their 50s, on the other hand, would need to make sure that have a regular treatment and prevention plan in place. This should include regular monitoring of the heart via ECG. Individuals at this age should also be aware of the various signs of a heart attack as well as other heart conditions. Keep in mind that, as one ages, the risk for a heart problem also increases. That being the case, those who are in their 60s should definitely have ankle-brachial index test in order to ascertain the presence of peripheral artery disease.

If, at any point in time, you feel that your chances for a heart attack or cardiac arrest has increased, it would be best to have you as well as the people around you undergo a CPR training. You might also want to consider having an AED unit around.

Little Facts About Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)

Most people know Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) as one of the major causes of mortality in the US. As the name implies, SCA rarely gives the patient enough time to realize what is happening. Because of the suddenness of the situation, most people are unaware of what to do, eating up previous minutes that could have been used in order to revive the victim. That being the case, it is only right that you arm yourself with the right information that you can use in better dealing with this medical emergency.

First thing’s first. You have to realize that Sudden Cardiac Arrest is different from a heart attack. While both affect the heart, Sudden Cardiac Arrest generally takes place if something causes the heart beat to become irregular. There are, however, other reasons for why it happen including injury and rupturing of the blood vessels in the heart. On the other hand, a heart attack typically takes place when an artery is clogged and there is not enough blood reaching the heart. This causes the heart to starve which, in turn, causes it to have trouble pumping blood properly. Because it happens over time, a heart attack typically leaves tell-tale signs – pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, and a tingling pain that spreads throughout the limbs.

While heart problems typically concern adults, there have been cases of teenagers and even children who have succumbed to Sudden Cardiac Arrest. This is typically the case if the child happens to have a congenital heart condition such as arrhythmia and long Q-T Syndrome. In a long Q-T Syndrome, the patient has ion channels that either do not work well or are insufficient causing the transmittal of the electric impulses that control the heart beat to become erratic; thus, an irregular beating pattern. Now, even though most cases of Long Q-T syndrome are congenital, there are some that have actually developed the said condition through the years due to unhealthy leaving. You have to keep in mind that a disruption in the beating pattern can cause the heart to stop pumping. Four to six minutes after the heart has stopped pumping, the patient’s brain tissue would start dying. A few minutes more and the effects could become irreversible. At this point, even if the patient is able to pull through, there could be damage to his movements and brain activities. If there is no help given within the next few minutes, the patient would already succumb and die.

If at least chest compression is done on an unconscious victim of SCA, the chances of him or her being able to survive almost doubles. The numbers could even go up in the case of a VF (ventricular fibrillation) patient if electric shock is applied as soon as his or her condition has been ascertained. It is in cases like these that the use of an AED can prove to be important.

To be better prepared when handling patients who have suffered from SCA, it is a good idea to have an AED unit on hand. If you are not sure how to work with your AED unit, head to Citywide CPR and they could help you with your AED management.

Differentiating Sudden Cardiac Arrest from Heart Attack

Sudden Cardiac Arrest, or SCA, is considered to be one of the top causes of mortality in the US. Currently, around 95% of people who suffer from it do not make it by the time they reach the hospital. In some cases, the survival rate is only around 2% to 5% especially if defibrillation is not done within the next 12 minutes after the patient has become unconscious. Because of its gravity, it comes as no surprise that most people treat each case of heart attack as one and the same as that of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. In truth, however, Sudden Cardiac Arrest is different from a heart attack.

Generally, a cardiac arrest means the heart stopped beating. This could be due to an illness or an injury, or due to an existing medical condition. In most cases, the cardiac arrest leaves a number of signs and symptoms before the attack actually happens. There are, however, cases where the heart stops abruptly. This is what is known as the Sudden Cardiac Arrest. While SCA and heart attack both concern the same organ, the reasons leading to the two are rarely the same. For one, in a Sudden Cardiac Arrest takes place when something causes the normal beating patterns to go haywire. Some of the common reasons why this happen include thickened heart muscle, arrhythmia, and long Q-T Syndrome. In a heart, attack, however, the culprit is typically a clot in one of the blood vessels that denies the heart the much needed oxygen. This then leads to death of the heart tissue which causes the heart to stop working efficiently and die. Some of the common causes of heart attack include Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Aneurysm, and drug misuse. In a heart attack, the organ does not altogether stop beating. The symptoms usually last for a few days to more than a week before the heart eventually gives up. That being the case, there tends to be a lower mortality rate when it comes to heart attack.

Now, just because a heart attack is different from a Sudden Cardiac Arrest does not mean that they could not exist together. In fact, there have been cases wherein SCA followed a heart attack. That being the case, it can be said that the occurrence of a heart attack actually increases the chances of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. This only means that, as soon as a victim falls unconscious, you need to treat the situation as if you are sure that what you have on hand is a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.  Keep in mind that most cardiac arrests are reversible if chest compression is done within the next few minutes. For those who lack sufficient training in CPR, this means that you only need to pump the victim’s chest 100 times per minute until he or she becomes conscious or until help arrives. The situation becomes even more bearable if there is an AED device nearby that could provide instructions on what needs to be done.

If you would like to make sure that you are ready for any situation, your best move would be to get your own CPR certification. Companies like Citywide CPR offer this kind of service, plus more.

Fighting Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)

The heart has always been considered as one of the vital organs of the body. One wrong beat and it can already spell a disaster for the person. After all, it is the heart that controls how efficient the whole circulatory system is. That being the case, it is only understandable that medical professionals put extra effort in making sure that it functions properly. Now, in order to understand the importance of the heart, one must first understand how it functions.

The Anatomy of the Heart

The heart is considered to be a hollow muscle, hardly the size of a fist, which is divided into four chambers. Two of these chambers can be found at the right side of the heart, while the other two occupy the left side. The upper chambers are known as the atria, and the lower chambers are the ventricles. Now, leading to the right atrium are two major veins – the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. These veins carry blood TO the heart FROM all of the blood vessels in the body. Since the blood that flows through these veins have low oxygen content and high carbon dioxide level, the blood tends to be dark red in color. This blood then passes through the tricuspid valve and then travels to the right ventricle. The blood travels further passing through all of the chambers of the heart as well as various blood vessels including those that can be found in the lungs. There the blood gets to be oxygenated. It then travels an opposite path, passing through the heart again, and the aorta where it gets expelled to various blood vessels. Now, the oxygen in the blood gets “fed” to the various organs of the body. Without the said oxygen, the cells would die and the organ would suffer from tissue necrosis. When this happens, the organ would not be able to function properly causing a domino effect of organ failures. Without intervention, the person could die.

“Rebooting” the Heart

In some cases, a heart’s regular pattern can become disrupted. This can be due to an existing heart condition or could be due to some other reasons. A skip or two is usually something that you do not have to worry about. However, this becomes a problem if the irregular pattern continues or if the heart stops beating altogether. The latter is typically known as the Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Because of its nature, SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) could lead to the person’s death if not attended to immediately. Fortunately, there a number of ways by which one can deal with this.

The use of AED as well as the application of CPR are just some of the ways by which medical professionals and ordinary persons can deal with a person suffering from such heart conditions as the Sudden Cardiac Arrest. AED, or Automated External Defibrillator, is a portable device that can be used in order to help the heart regain its natural rhythm. Regardless of the model and brand, the AED includes an electronic console, two pads, and wires that lead from the console to the pads.

If you want to learn about the proper use of the AED as well as secure a CPR certification, you can always head to Citywide CPR.

The Development of the AED

For more than a few years now, one of the many things that a man has to content with is the abundance of medical conditions that are quite hard to predict. One such is the case of the cardiac arrest, particularly tat condition known as the Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

As the name implies, a Sudden Cardiac Arrest typically takes place without warning. One moment, the person would be feeling okay; the next, he would already be unconscious. There are, however, cases where the patient would first feel nauseous, light-headed, weak, and would have difficulty breathing. Cases like these, unfortunately, are rare. What makes SCA all the more dangerous is the fact that, during a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, the patient actually suffers from tissue necrosis. Having said, it comes as no surprise that the medical community have exerted all efforts in making sure that everyone is prepared to deal with someone suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest. This is the reason for why AED, Automated External Defibrillator, came into being.

AED, or Automated External Defibrillator, is, simply put, a portable device used in order to deal with a patient suffering from a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Now, in order to comprehend just how an AED works, you would first to make sure that you understand how the heart works. For example, you have to understand that the heart makes use of electric impulses in order to ensure its natural rhythm pattern. Without this electric impulses, the heart could stop beating. When that happens, the AED is used in order to send electric impulses and help the heart go back to its pattern. An AED, however, does not just send electric impulses to the heart. In fact, even a person without training on how this device is used can handle it quite well.

The Components of An AED

AEDs typically come in various models and designs. Regardless of this, however, an AED would have a portable electronic console, two pads, and two wires that run from the console to the pads. Generally, the consoles of these AED units come with a visual display that help cue the user on what to do next. In some models, the console also provides audio instructions on what the user needs to do next.

While most people think of an AED as a complicated device to use, nothing could actually be further from the truth. In fact, most responders would recommend the use of the AED first when dealing with an unconscious victim. This is because an AED would be able to assess whether there is still a need to apply CPR or if the AED would be enough in order to resuscitate the patient.

When using the AED, there are a number of things that one has to keep in mind. For example, before the AED pads can be placed on the patient’s chest, he or she should first be placed on a flat surface, away from any liquid. There should also be no metal items on his body, particularly around the chest area.

 You can learn more about AED and how to make use of it during emergency situations when you go to Citywide CPR.

Performing CPR on An Infant

While most people are aware of the different steps involved when it comes to doing CPR on an adult, very few are aware of the steps involved when carrying it out on a child. Now, the steps are basically the same. However, the exact way of doing it i somewhat different with an infant.

If what you have on your hand is an infant, the first thing that you would need to do is verify whether the baby is responsive or not.  You can do this by stroking the the feet of the infant. If there is no reaction whatsoever, make sure you have someone call for 911. If the baby is showing signs of choking, allow the child to cough the object out. However, if there is a visible blockage but the child is no longer coughing, turn the baby over to his stomach and carefully do chest thrusts or back blows in order to dislodge the object. Once the object has been dislodged, check for pulse and check for breathing. If there is pulse and breathing, you need to put the baby in a recovery position. This is done by having the arm closest to you at right angle with the body. The palm of the said arm should be facing upwards. Now, put the other palm on the baby’s chest and have the knee on the same side pulled towards you. This would allow the baby to roll towards you. Have the free hand, the one that you placed on the infant’s chest earlier, rest under the head and make sure that the patient’s mouth is open. Make sure that the chin is away from the chest in order to keep the air way clear.

Now, if the baby is not showing signs of breathing and is not exhibiting any pulse, you would need to do the A-B-C of CPR. First, you have to open the airway by tilting the baby’s head back and opening the mouth. heck for breathing. If there is none to be found, pinch the nose and proceed with two rescue breaths. Let go of the nose to let the air out. If, while doing rescue breathing, the baby’s child is not moving, there might be some blockage that is not readily visible. If that is the case, go back to the steps in dislodging the object.

Check for the pulse once you are done with the rescue breaths. If there is none, proceed with the chest compressions. Keep in mind that the body of a child is smaller than the adult and is, consequently, more frail. That said, you would need to use two to three fingers from one hand instead of the heel of your palm. There is also no need to interlace your fingers as you would need your other hand, to support the infant’s head. With two or three fingers, compress the center part of the infant’s chest below the nipple area. As with an adult, you would need to administer 100 compressions per minute at a depth of 1 to 1 1/2 inches. After 30 cycles of compressions, do another set of rescue breaths. You might need to repeat all of these five times. After the fifth time, the baby should start showing signs of responsiveness. If that is not the case, you might need to make use of a defibrillator or continue with the cycle until a paramedic arrives.

Things like these are easier to do if you have undergone CPR certification. Companies like Citywide CPR can be depended upon when it comes to CPR trainings and AED management.

The Basics of CPR You Did Not Know About

In today’s world, Sudden Cardiac Arrest is considered to be one of the leading reasons for mortality. What makes this condition even harder to deal with is the fact that, as the name implies, there is very little sign to let other people know that you are about to suffer from one. If you are fortunate, you might notice the person complaining of chest pains, fatigue, and nausea. When SCA strikes, the patient instantaneously loses consciousness and the blood circulation slows down. With not enough oxygen reaching major organs, they start to suffer from tissue necrosis which, if left untreated, can cause the patient to die. It is because of this that knowledge of CPR is a must. Unfortunately, not everyone is quite aware of the small details that go with a CPR training.

For an ordinary person, CPR typically means chest compressions combined with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Things, however, are not really that simple. For one, not all situations call for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Now, in the past, the American Heart Association has made use of the A-B-C formula when it comes to reviving an unconscious victim. This means that a responder would need to check for airway, administer breathing, and do chest compressions. Today, however, CPR is generally done using the C-A-B formula. This means that the responder would need to do chest compressions first before checking the airway and administering breathing or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If there is an AED unit present, a responder would first need to hook the patient up to the AED before administering any CPR. This is because the AED itself is able to diagnose whether the victim is still in need of chest compressions or if the electric shock from the AED would be enough to restore the heart’s natural beating pattern.

While most people believe that chest compressions and rescue breathing can be done on just about any unconscious victim, this is actually not true. In fact, different situations require different kinds of CPR. For one, if  you have not had any training when it comes to CPR, or had one but have totally forgotten about it, you can actually just apply chest compressions until the paramedics arrive. You just have to make sure that you your chest compressions are at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. Now, if you are someone who has had training in CPR, you can apply chest compressions along with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If, however, the victim, is an infant, you need to make sure first that the baby is non-responsive by stroking it and looking for a reaction. If there is no reaction, you need to follow the A-B-C steps when it comes to performing CPR. In doing the compressions, however, you only make use of two to three fingers instead of the heel of your palm. Your other hand, instead of being interlocked with your other hand, should be supporting the head of the child. Do as much as 100 compressions per minute and combine it with two rescue breaths.

If you feel that your CPR skills have already become rusty, your best move would be to undergo CPR training in such companies as Citywide CPR.

How CPR Can Save Lives

SCA, or Sudden cardiac Arrest, has been a bane to people all over the world. Striking with very little warning, SCA is not that choosy when it comes to the profile of the victim. While many people see SCA and heart attack as one and the same, that is not actually the case. In an SCA situation, the person’s heart suffers from irregular beating patterns. The irregularity in the pattern keeps the heart from effectively pumping enough blood to all the major organs in the body by disrupting the electrical impulses which, in turn, causes the heart to abruptly stop. Now, without the oxygen from the blood, these major organs would start suffering from tissue necrosis. The death of the tissue of major organs, if left unattended, could lead to death. To date, 90% of people with SCA die. It is for this reason that most people who suffer from SCA need to have someone administer immediately what is known as the CPR.

CPR, as what most people are now aware of, stands for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. While it is not the end-all, be-all when it comes to saving someone from the throes of SCA, it is still a process that one can depend on when it comes to buying the patient some more time until medical professionals can attend to him or her. However, CPR is only as effective as the person doing it. Having said that, if you happen to be in  situation that calls for the application of CPR, you might want to keep a few things in mind.

Now, first thing’s first. If someone within your immediate vicinity collapses, what you need to do is tap him or her on his or her shoulders to check if they are okay. If you do not get any response from the victim, make sure you call 911. Once you have placed the call, that is the only time that you can start doing CPR. If there are people around you, you can also go straight to doing the CPR while having somebody else place the call to 911. Now, if a baby is involved, stroke the feet to elicit response. Under no circumstance should you shake the baby or hit him or her hard.

If you have not had any kind of CPR training, what you need to do is what is known as hands-only CPR. This means that you need to continuously apply chest compressions at a rate of 100 compressions per minute until  the paramedics arrive. This is also the case if you have had trainings in the past but have grown rusty over the years. On the other hand, if you have had training and have not forgotten about it, you can apply chest compressions along with rescue breathing. If there is an AED unit on hand, it is advisable to hook up the patient to the AED first before doing any CPR or rescue breathing. This is because the AED would be able to assess whether the patient still needs to undergo CPR or if electric shocks from the unit would suffice.

At the end of the day, it is still best if you keep yourself updated when it comes to CPR. Companies like Citywide CPR provide CPR certification programs that allow ordinary people to have the ability to save lives.

What You Need to Know When Buying AED

An ordinary person without a CPR training might find it hard to be of assistance should someone within his or her immediate vicinity suffer from cardiac arrest. It is because of this that scientists, researchers, and medical professionals have come up with the idea of the Automated External Defibrillator, or what most people know as the AED, a portable device designed to help people who are suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

As what most people know, Sudden Cardiac Arrest is one of the leading causes of death in most countries around the world. While it does not typically present any symptom before its onset, there have been cases of patients complaining of fatigue, chest pains, and fainting. In a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, what happens is the heart is unable to contract normally causing insufficient blood to flow to major body organs. Without the needed oxygen from the blood, the tissues begin to deteriorate causing tissue necrosis. Because of the suddenness, as the name implies, of this condition, as well as the gravity, it is important that the heart’s normal beating pattern be restored as soon as possible. This is where the AED comes in handy.

An AED has the ability to help restore the heart to its normal beating pattern with the use of electric shocks. Basically, all AEDs have the same features – voice prompt, accessories, While most AEDs have the same basic functions, there are still a number of things you need to keep in mind when it comes to buying one. For one, you need to make sure that the AED you would be purchasing is FDA approved. It is also recommended that you go for newer models as they tend to be more user friendly than earlier designs. Keep in mind that earlier designs were primarily meant for first responders while latter designs already have the general public in mind.

If you do not foresee yourself having to attend to grave situations, you can opt to skip on AEDs with escalating power designs. However, if you feel you are in a high-risk area, you might want to get a unit that allows for such. There is no need to worry about an AED damaging the victim’s heart as all AEDs do not have that high a power that could result to damage to the heart.

It is also a good idea to ensure that the AED you would be purchasing has a warranty. You have to remember that, when it comes to AEDs, most warranties last anywhere between 5 to 10 years. In some cases, you can also avail of additional warranty for the battery as well as for the accessories that comes with your unit.

To be sure that you know how to make use of your AED or what else you need to purchase in connection with it, get in touch with companies that offer AED oversight services. Companies like Citywide CPR might be able to help you when it comes to AED management. Aside from guiding you when it comes to which model to purchase, these companies can also help train you and the people around you on how to make the most of your unit.