9 Things About Heart Diseases

In almost all countries in the world, heart diseases are considered to be one of the top reasons for death. While it might be a well known diseases in every part of the world, it can be quite surprising to note that not everyone is aware of the different factors that could contribute to an increase in the risk. Here are some of the things that you might want to keep in mind when it comes to heart diseases:

  1. You might get a lot of work done by staying up late but that does not mean that your heart would not suffer from your late-night shenanigans. In fact, a number of studies have shown that people who have less than 6 hours of sleep at night are twice more likely to develop heart diseases. Not many people may know it but sleeping actually helps regulate your insulin level. If you lack sleep, your cells become resistant to insulin which, in turn, increases your risk of heart diseases as a result of obesity.
  2. Your waistline is one good measure of how healthy your heart is. A waistline of more than 40 inches for men and a waistline of more than 35 inches for women should already be a cause for concern. That being the case, make sure that you do regular exercises. It also helps to keep your meals healthy. If you find that your waistline is more than what is considered healthy, reducing your weight by as much as 10% might do the trick.
  3. Yes, laughter is actually the best medicine. By keeping a positive outlook and giving a genuine laughter, you are actually allowing your blood vessels to relax which enables the blood to flow more smoothly. When you laugh, the cortisol in your body decreases. This is good as cortisol is known to increase blood pressure as well as limit your immune system.
  4. Feel an attack coming? Take an aspirin. Aspirins are considered to be last-minute lifesavers when it comes to heart attack. Aspirin have long been known to block certain chemicals that cause blood clot. During an onset of a heart attack, an aspirin can help break up whatever is causing the blockage and restore the flow of blood.
  5. A knowledge of your family’s medical history can also give you an idea of how high a risk you face when it comes to heart diseases.
  6. If you happen to be of African-American lineage, you might need to have your heart checked regularly as this lineage is more prone to a number of medical conditions that could give rise to a number of heart diseases. Some of these could include hypertension and diabetes. Keep in mind that excess sugar in your system can prove to be a problem for your blood vessels.
  7. While too much physical exertion might put your heart at even more risk, engaging in sex at least twice a week can actually improve the strength of your heart. This becomes even more helpful if you are able to achieve orgasm. When it comes to sex, however, men tend to benefit more from it than women in decreasing the risk for heart diseases.
  8. Do you snore at night? Then you might be at a higher risk for developing certain heart conditions. Snoring is a sign that you are overweight which, in turn, could mean that you have hypertension. Your weight could also be taxing your heart.
  9. Lessen your salt intake. Excessive use of salt can actually lead to hypertension especially if you are already more than 50 years of age.

If you are one of those who face a high risk for heart diseases, you would need to make sure that you have an AED on hand should anything happen.

Understanding Congenital Heart Defects

More than a million individuals in America alone suffer from some form of congenital heart disease, or what most people refer to as CHD. As the name implies, congenital heart defect is a condition that is present at birth. It typically involves problems in how the heart, and sometimes the blood vessels, are formed. While some of these problems impede the flow of the blood, other conditions can alter the natural beating pattern of the heart causing it to skip a beat. As most would know, a skip or an irregular pattern in the heart beat can actually lead to insufficient oxygen supply to other organs in the body which, in turn, can result to tissue necrosis.

Although many are aware that certain heart conditions can present itself at birth, the reason for most of these is still unknown. At present, only a handful of these conditions can be directly linked to a particular gene. It does not, however, mean that all congenital heart defects are difficult to ascertain. With the various changes in technology, parents can actually have their infants undergo certain screening in order to determine the risk for a congenital heart disease. One of these methods is what is known as the pulse oximetry screening method. Keep in mind, though, that not all heart defects can be determined by pulse oximetry. At best, it could only detect the amount of oxygen in one’s blood. Soon-to-be-born infants can also be made to undergo fetal echocardiogram in order to ascertain the presence of congenital heart diseases. However, this kind of exam can only provide medical professionals with an idea on whether the physical structure of the heart is okay or not.

Aside from the genes, infants born of obese mothers also tend to have higher risks for congenital heart diseases. Several studies have shown that pregnant as well as those who are gestating mothers that have a body mass index of 30 or more tend to have higher risks of giving birth to children that have CHD. This is one of the reasons why most medical professionals recommend that pregnant women keep to a specific weight bracket.

CHD can present itself in a number of ways:

  1. Hypoplasia – occurs when either the left ventricle or the right ventricle does not develop properly or is underdeveloped. What happens is only one ventricle is able to pump blood. While considered to be  a rare condition, it is also one of the deadliest.
  2. Obstruction defects – this is when the valves or the blood vessels leading to and from the heart becomes narrowed or blocked. There are many reasons for the latter two to take place. One of the most common reasons, however, is the build up of plaque along the walls of the blood vessels. Some of the most common forms of obstruction defects are pulmonic stenosis, aortic stenosis, and coarctation of the aorta. The letter refers to the narrowing of a certain portion of the aorta to more than its typically smallest size.
  3. Septal defects – these are considered to be the most common of all congenital heart diseases. Septal defects concern the wall that divided the atria from the ventricles as well as the left side of the heart from the right side of the heart.
  4. Cyanotic defects – these are defects that result in the person having a bluish-gray skin discoloration. Cyanotic heart typically happens when the blood coming from the different organs as well as the blood that should be going to these organs get mixed up.

If you are living wit someone who has congenital defects, you need to make sure that you have the necessary skills in order to assist him or her during emergency cases. Undergoing a CPR training is one of the many ways by which you can prepare yourself.

What You Need to Know About Heart Diseases in Women

Not many many people may know it but for every three women dying, one would usually have heart disease as a cause, and that number is for every year. What is more unsettling is the fact that more than 90% of women actually have one or more risk factors that lead to the development of various heart diseases. These figures, while contested by some, actually show that ore women die of heart-related conditions than breast cancer. Aside from this, it has been proven that heart attack signs and symptoms are different for both sexes. The disheartening part, however, is the fact that not many women are aware of this and actually misunderstand the importance of keeping a regular check on their heart’s health.

Heart diseases touch on not just the heart but also the blood vessels. That being the case, plaque build up along the walls of the vessels that impede the smooth flow of blood is also considered as a heart condition. Aside from this, however, heart conditions can come in the form of arrhythmia, heart failure, and problems with the heart valve. Although many women are aware of how important it is to keep the heart healthy, very few are aware of what kind of lifestyle they would need to have in order to do this. For example, smoking is one of the things that they would need to avoid if they would like to keep a healthy heart. It is also recommended that anyone with a risk for heart diseases should regularly monitor her blood sugar level as well as her blood pressure. Knowing your family’s health history when it comes to heart diseases can also be helpful as this would give you an idea of the risk that you face.

Now, as we have mentioned, the signs and symptoms of heart diseases in women can differ from that typically experienced by men. Most women who suffer from certain heart conditions would typically experience edema, palpitations, and angina.  When it comes to angina, most women typically describe the experience as tightness in the chest area, squeezing and burning sensation, and a general feeling of malaise.  Most of these symptoms typically appear when doing heavy activities that require heavy exertion. High stress, regardless whether it is emotional or physical in nature, is also another common reason for these symptoms. Particularly in women who have congestive heart failure, other symptoms could include fatigues and high blood pressure. Those who are about to have a stroke typically experience sudden hiccups, sudden general weakness, and sudden sweating.

In order to diagnose whether one is suffering from a heart disease, a number of tests are typically done. This would include an EKG or ECG, a stress-ECG, a n Endophat and an ABI. Depending on the heart condition concerned, the patient might also be required to undergo imaging studies as well as invasive testing.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can better deal with certain heart diseases. For one, you just need to make sure that you live a healthy lifestyle. It also helps if you have an AED unit at home in case of an emergency.


Understanding How the Heart Works

The heart is considered to be one of the major organs in the human body. Aside from this “title”, the heart is also known as the only organ in the body that has a clump of self-starting cells. Now, while most people are aware of how important the function of the heart is, very few are actually knowledgeable about its inner workings. If you are one of these people, then a knowledge of how the heart actually works might prove to be useful especially if you or someone you know has a high risk for Sudden Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack.

A normal heart is able to pump about 70 times per minute which would roughly translate to about a hundred thousand times per day. This is necessary in order to ensure that all the other organs in the body are able to receive their needed oxygen supply. Keep in mind that, if an organ is unable to receive sufficient oxygen, there is a great risk for tissue necrosis, or tissue death. If left on its own, tissue necrosis can lead to death in the patient. Now, this blood primarily passes through three different kinds of blood vessels:

  • Arteries
  • Capillaries
  • Veins

Arteries are the ones responsible for carrying the oxygen-rich blood from the heart into the various organs. The farther they are form the heart, the smaller in size they get. On the other hand, veins are the ones responsible for bringing the blood to the heart. Since the blood that the veins carry come from the various organs already, these typically have depleted oxygen content. Now, the capillaries are the ones that connect the two. Their walls are semi-permeable and allow the passage of oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as other wastes and nutrients to and from the organs. The heart itself is in need of oxygen in order to continue functioning. This is the reason why you would see a number of coronary arteries on the walls of the heart.

While many people are aware that the heart has four chambers, very few actually know what each one does. The top chambers, known as the atria are the ones responsible for receiving blood from the veins. The lower chambers, on the other hand, are known as the ventricles and are responsible for sending of the blood through the arteries. When the blood passes from one chamber to the next, it goes through a flap of skin known as “valves”. There are four valves in a human heart – the mitral valve, the tricuspid valve, the aortic valve, and the pulmonary valve. These valves are responsible for ensuring that the blood does not flow back to the chamber where it came from. Of the four valves, it is only the mitral valve that has two cusps as the rest have three.

Given this, heart problems usually happen when the walls of the heart or the blood vessels themselves have grown weak. Heart problems can also occur when it is unable to pump rhythmically. Keep in mind that when a heart skips a beat, precious oxygen does not get to the intended organs on time. It is in this situation that a Sudden Cardiac Arrest can take place. When that happens, a responder would need to administer CPR as soon as possible.

Different Ways of Dealing With Stress

Stress is considered to be one of the main reasons for certain heart diseases and medical conditions. That being the case, medical professionals all over the world have, now and then, tried to come up with various ways on how one can effectively deal with stress. Quite a number of these ways are, fortunately, easy to practice on a regular basis.

Before you start looking at the different ways you can manage stress, the first thing that you need to do would be to determine where your stress is coming from. This means you would need to take a closer look at your activities, your habits as well as how you react to certain things. You also need to determine whether your stress is coming from the people around you, the kind of work that you do, or from certain inabilities. Once you are aware of the nature of your stress, you would need to look closely how you react to stress. There are two ways people tend to react to stress – positively and negatively. In a positive reaction, a person is typically able to either adapt to the situation or find ahealthy long-term as well as a short-term solution for it. In a negative reaction, the person typically experiences a number of problems including either the inability to have a good night’s sleep or sleeping too much, consuming too much coffee, smoking, compulsive spending, and eating too much.

So how do you handle stress?

  1. As cliched as it may sound, the best way to handle stress would be to avoid whatever is causing it in the first place. One way of doing this is by learning how to say “no”. It is also a good idea to avoid people who are stressing you out. If there’s a need for it, you might have to take a vacation in order to “find your balance” again. In the same line, since you are already aware of what your stressors are, take control of it by making sure that you either avoid it or lessen your interaction with it. For example, if the news easily upsets you, make sure that you keep your TV watching and newspaper reading activities to a minimum.
  2. If you are the type who likes to bottle things up, you might need to change your strategy. Instead of keeping quiet, you might need to talk it out. If you are bothered by something that another person said or did, let it out. If it is safe to do so, let the other person know how you feel. Keep in mind that there are times when you would need to be assertive. Keep calm and make sure you are ready for a compromise.
  3. Make sure that you manage your time well. Most people who become stressed out as a result of having too many things on their plate usually have a hard time managing their time. If you are able to manage your time well, you would be able to better deal with stress.
  4. Adjust how you see things and make sure that you set realistic standards. One of the things that stress too many people is the inability to reach certain expectations which leads them to being too hard on themselves. Some of these standards are actually too high for anyone to achieve.  Maintain a positive outlook and set your standards on a staggered basis instead of aiming for the highest standard in one go. Be sure you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses so that you do not stress out over things you know you are unable to do.
  5. Lastly, make sure that you maintain a positive outlook in life. Although this might seem easier than done, if you constantly keep yourself from dwelling on the negative, you would be able to train yourself to first see the good in the situation.

Stress might seem like a petty issue but its not. A number of heart conditions are further made grave with the presence of stress. If you, or anyone around you, has a high risk of suffering from a heart attack or cardiac arrest brought on by stress, you would need to make sure that you have an AED unit on hand.

Alcohol and Your Heart

While most people are aware that reduced alcohol consumption can do wonders for one’s heart, not many people are aware that this is also true even for light to moderate drinkers. This is about to change, however, as recent studies have proven that alcohol consumption, regardless of the level, can actually put the heart at a disadvantage.

In the past, the American Heart Association (AHA) has recommended moderation when it comes to one’s alcohol intake. By “moderation”, AHA means about one to two glasses for men and a glass for women. It is believed that anything more than the said numbers could lead to hypertension, obesity, and stroke. Aside from that, past studies have also revealed that red wine can be quite helpful when it comes to reducing the risk of developing certain heart diseases especially since it was known to contain anti-oxidants. It is also a proven fact that red wine is able to increase the HDL, otherwise known as the good cholesterol, in one’s system.

Recent studies, however, have shown that, regardless of the amount of alcohol one takes on a regular basis, a reduction to strictly not taking any at all could lead to a 10% lesser chances of developing coronary heart diseases. These people are also found to have lower blood pressure and lower body mass index. The said multi-center study was co-conducted by Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania and involved more than 150 researchers from such parts of the world as UK, Europe, North America, and Australia. It covered around 260,000 respondents, all of European descent.

Aside from putting into question the long held belief that moderate alcohol intake poses very little harm to the body, the study also showed that a particular gene actually made it possible for some people to consume about 17% lesser amount of alcohol to none at all. Because of the lesser as well as absence of alcohol intake, the said group of people had about 10% lesser chances of developing certain heart problems. The specific gene found by the researchers seems to be related to the breakdown of alcohol in the body. With the said gene present, the body is able to breakdown alcohol at a faster level compared to those who are not carrying the said gene.

Now, while the study indicates that lesser to no alcohol intake can help reduce the risk of heart diseases, it is still good to note that, without proper diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle, the possibility of developing certain heart diseases can still be significant. Having said that, one should try to make sure that there is always a balance in one’s activities as well as in what one consumes on a daily basis.

When it comes to heart diseases, your best move would be to come prepared. Having said that, one of the many ways you can prepare yourself is by making sure that you know how to perform a CPR. You can do this by availing of the various CPR training available in your area. Citywide CPR is one of the institutions that you can go to in order to avail of such training.

Understanding Heart Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases remains to be one of the top causes of death not just in the US but in other countries as well. While advancement in technology has made it possible for the medical profession to assess the probability of one developing these diseases, very few can actually predict when a heart attack or a Sudden Cardiac Arrest would strike. That being the case, what one can do is understand how the heart works and how these diseases occur in order to lessen the chances of it developing.

Just like any muscle as well as organ in the body, the heart needs constant supply of oxygen coming from the blood. Unlike other organs, however, it is only the heart that has a self-starting clump of cells. It is these clump of cells that make it possible for the heart to keep to a regular beating pattern. Why is keeping a regular beating pattern important? A regular heart beat makes it possible for the blood to circulate in an efficient manner. If the heart skips a beat, it could result to oxygen starvation which, in turn, could lead to tissue necrosis and subsequent organ failure.

Not all cardiovascular diseases directly concern the heart. In some cases, clogging of the blood vessels due to the build up of fatty deposits can put undue stress to the heart which could, later on, lead to heart attack. Having said that, you have to be aware that some of the factors that could increase the chances of a heart diseases include smoking, family history, the existence of other medical conditions such as Diabetes and Hypertension, and unhealthy lifestyle.

In most cases, a heart disease might present itself as chest pain that radiates towards the extremities, difficulty breathing, fatigue, and nausea. In the case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, the victim might instantly fall unconscious without experiencing any of these symptoms. Now, cardiologists are able to narrow down the specific condition that a patient might have using a variety of tools such as the ECG, EKG, 2D echo, and stress test. In some cases, hospitals will also make use of CT scan and Nuclear Imaging. The patient is also typically subjected to an interview in order to ascertain how various activities affect him or her.

Depending on the kind of heart condition a patient might have, certain treatment can be suggested. For example, aspirins are typically prescribed for its anti platelets ability which makes blood less sticky. Beta blockers may also be prescribed by doctors to patients who have irregular heart rhythms or who have problems when it comes to the pumping action of the heart. For patients who have blockages along their blood vessels, medical practitioners typically do angioplasty. This allows the surgeons to take out what is causing the blockage which, in turn, allows the blood to flow more freely.If the situation is grave, doctors might also conduct a bypass surgery. In a bypass surgery, blood is directed towards the machine while the heart is undergoing “repair”.

In all of these situations, a knowledge of CPR, or, at the very least, the presence of an AED unit, can help ensure that the patient is able to pull through.

Exercises for A Healthier Heart

Regardless of your gender or your age, having a healthy heart is a must if you want to live a longer life. Unfortunately, for most of us, taking care of our heart can be particularly hard since there are a lot of things that we might have to change when it comes to our daily activities. For one, you have to make sure that you have your exercise regimen down pat if you want to strengthen your heart. Now, this is something that can be quite hard to do especially if you no longer have the time to hit the gym.

Not many people may know it but even a brisk walk can make a big difference when it comes to the health of your heart. That being the case, you can just imagine the advantages of having your own exercise routine. If you are not sure how to go about creating one, you only need to keep in mind three things – cardio, strength training, and stretching. Keep in mind that an exercise routine need not run for hours. If possible, it should only last for 30 minutes and should have rest periods to make sure that you do not overexert your muscles.

Some of the activities that can be considered as part of the cardio exercise routine are running, jogging, brisk walking, and biking. These activities enable you to increase your heart rate without necessarily tiring your heart out. If you have joint problems, you might want to consider instead such activities as swimming and hiking. This kind of exercise is something that you can do everyday. Make sure that you rest every once in a while. While you’re at it, you can do some stretching in order to loosen up your muscles. Make sure that you do this gently and should not hurt. Stretching can be done before you start your exercise routine, during rest periods, and after you have finished everything. This would enable your body to become more flexible.

On the other hand, you have to make sure that you set aside two to three days each week for strength training. You may not know it but engaging in yoga exercises is actually one form of strength training. If that is not something you are into, you can also make use of resistance bands as well as weights. Make sure that you have an alternating schedule for this kind of exercise.

As your body starts to get used to the kind of physical activities that you have, you can either lengthen or shorten your activities and make them more intense or more varied. Make sure that you do this gradually so that your body would be able to adapt properly. In case you experience dizziness or difficulty breathing as well as chest pains, make sure that you pause for a while and take a breather. When you start your exercise regimen, you would most likely feel sore for about a day or two. This is completely normal.

As an additional precaution, it would be best if you would also undergo CPR training. This way, you can provide assistance should someone close to you would ever need help resuscitation.

Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases

In many parts of the world, cardiovascular diseases are considered to be one of the top reasons for high mortality rate. This is because, while it is easy to understand how the heart works, the various conditions and diseases that involve it can be quite unpredictable. Take for example the case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest as well as Heart Attack. Although, when it comes to the latter, a person could experience a number of signs and symptoms, the former is a different story. That being the case, one of the best things that anyone can do is to make sure that you prevent its onset.

As cliched as it may sound, one of the many things you can do in order to avoid being a statistic is to watch what you eat. Now, you might think that you need to litter your plate with only vegetables and fruits. Of course, if you are used to eating meat and such, this could mean a sudden change in how you eat. In truth, however, you can actually combine the food items that you like with the things that you should have on your plate in order to have a healthier heart. For example, you can make use of crushed nuts as garnishing for your meat or your grilled fish. Snacks, on the other hand, can come in the form of slices of your favorite fruit. If you have a sweet tooth, you can have instead whipped cream on top of your favorite fruit. Keep in mind that the keyword here is “balanced” meal. While you’re at it, you might also want to consider bringing down your salt intake. Too much salt in your diet has been proven to be one of the causes of hypertension. If you are used to having salt, slowly bring down the amount until your taste buds gets used to it.

Having a regular exercise regimen can also significantly lower the risk for a heart attack as well as the occurrence of a number of different heart conditions. If you are not the type who can regularly hit the gym, what you can do instead is increase your physical activities. For example, you can walk up the stairs when you report for work instead of using the elevator especially if you only need to go up one or two flights of stairs. Walking is also a good exercise for those who do not have the time to go to a gym. You can also do a 30-minute crunches each morning in order to strengthen up your muscles and convert whatever excess fats you might have into something useful for your body. Another way to do this would be to enroll in yoga classes. Yoga activities are considered to be strength training exercises and can help ensure that your heart is able to withstand undue stress.

Most medical professionals also recommend getting enough sun and making sure that you quit smoking. In the case of the former, certain studies have shown that a deficiency in Vitamin can actually lead one to have a higher risk of developing heart diseases.

Now, just to be on the safe side, it would also be wise to know how to administer CPR or to at least have an AED unit on standby. This can prove to be useful especially when something unexpected happens to anyone around you.

Taking Better Care of Your Heart

Enjoying a plate of your favorite meal is the closest thing to heaven for most people. It is partly because of this that some people are having a hard time getting a go at healthier meals. Unfortunately, the lack of the right food groups in one’s plate can, later on, lead to bigger problems. So how does one turn a favorite meal into a healthier one?

First thing’s first. When it comes to the contents of your plate, you have to make sure that you include fruits and vegetables. While most fruits and vegetables are not exactly abundant in calories, they contain minerals that can help the body regulate well as well as lower the risk for a heart disease. At least two servings of fruits and vegetables each day would already suffice. Now, this might sound a lot but is actually really simple. For example, you can have strawberries on your cereal in the morning, a few sticks of asparagus and an orange with your lunch, and vegetable salad by the time you hit dinner.

It is also a good idea to make sure that you include whole grain in your meal. Wheat, barley, oats, and even popcorn are actually considered as whole grain and could be good for your body. If this is not possible, you can make use instead of legumes or potatoes; which brings us to another thing that you need to include in your meal – nuts. Nuts have naturally lower levels of saturated fat. It is also a good source for nitric oxide which helps the body in lowering blood pressure as well as relaxing the blood vessels. When it comes to nuts, what you can do is top your cereal with crushed nuts or make use of it in order to coat your baked fish. You can also have a snack of yogurt with crushed nuts as toppings.

While most people are of the opinion that sodium is not something that you need to worry about, medical professionals would tell you otherwise. Sodium, especially in excess, has been known to elevate blood pressure. Sodium is also known to cause fluid retention which, in turn, also causes an increase in blood volume. Of course, this would mean that your heart would need to exert extra effort. What you can do is to slowly limit your sodium intake to about 2,300 mg per day until you are able to train your taste buds to go after too much sodium. You can then lower the amount to about 1500 mg per day. Make sure that when you cook, you do not put any salt. You can then have a salt shaker on your table which you can use in order to add only a small amount. When it comes to buying vegetables, fruits, and meat, always go for raw. Sodium is typically used as a preservative which means that you can actually be ingesting more than you need.

Heart problems, most specifically heart attack and Sudden Cardiac Arrest can be quite unpredictable. That being the case, your best bet, aside from having the right diet and lifestyle, is to ready yourself for unexpected situations. This can be done by undergoing CPR training with Citywide CPR.